Podcast interview with Kevin O’Hara of Alcohol Mastery
You don’t need to tell me. I already know: I talked way too much in this interview. It’s difficult for me to even listen to it now, but it still brings back such great feelings.
Celebrating the first anniversary of my decision to stop drinking alcohol, I visited with one of my heroes: Kevin O’Hara of Alcohol Mastery. Kevin has been an enormous positive influence on me over the last many of years. Because of that, having the chance to speak with him at length was an incredible treat.
We don’t always get the opportunity to express our appreciation directly to the people whose work has helped us. But in this case, that’s exactly what happened as I got the chance to let Kevin O’Hara know how much his efforts have helped me.
Together we discuss self-improvement, what it feels like to change, and what are some of the things to consider that either help or hurt the chances of real change occurring.
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Some key takeaways to listen for in this discussion with Kevin O’Hara:
- You can be an inspiration and make a difference to other people just by being who you are. Not only that, but you’ll feel more fulfilled and better about yourself in the process.
- You CAN change, if you truly want to
- Just get started and keep moving forward. You will figure things out as you go.
I think that, whether you have a difficult relationship with alcohol or not, you’re going to get a lot from this discussion!
Kevin O’Hara / Alcohol Mastery Links:
Alcohol Mastery.com
Alcohol Mastery TV (YouTube Channel)
How To Stop Drinking Alcohol (book)
Alcohol Freedom (book)
How to Stop Drinking Alcohol (Video Course)
Referred to in the podcast conversation:
Alcohol Mastery Podcast, Session 7 (Books to Help Keep You Positive)
Link: https://alcoholmastery.com/session-7/
Stop Drinking Alcohol 62 (YouTube Video – “Awesome, Man!”):
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The founder of No Schedule Man Brand Media, Kevin Bulmer is a Strategic Marketing and Mindset Coach and Keynote Speaker. He is the producer and host of the momondays London inspirational event series, strategic marketing coach for Awesomepreneurs and is also host of the podcast, “Journeys with the No Schedule Man.”
Day-to-day, Kevin helps heart-centered entrepreneurs find their “REAL” success so they can feel free to live and work happy. His overarching purpose is to uplift through a shared example of continual growth.
For life coaching online and ongoing strategic marketing coaching & support, join Kevin’s online coaching membership service, My REAL Success Pass. To work with Kevin directly, apply for 1-on-1 coaching, hire him to speak (virtually or in person) for your group and/or book a private workshop or group coaching session.
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