
Podcast interview about turning passion into profit with Louis Engel.

A creative entrepreneur, Louis Engel is the project manager and show host of “Go Produce,” a podcast that sees him interview music industry professionals. In each case, Louis uncovers how they’re turning passion into profit, as that’s exactly what he’s looking to learn.

Louis is also the CEO of “Big Lou Crew” where he makes what he calls “happy rap music” for his crew. As you’ll hear in this conversation, his journey toward rap music was  unconventional (to say the least). His description of what “happy rap music” is sounds absolutely delightful.

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Originally from the Caribbean island of St. Maarten, Louis came to Canada in 2006 and has had an interesting journey in the time since. He shared about all of it in this interview with Kevin including:

  • Why he ended up having to go back home to St. Maarten for a time and how the situation that caused that helped prepare him for the uncertainty of the COVID pandemic.
  • How (and why) he went from studying pharmacology to the service industry and then into motivational speaking (and how that eventually helped him discover his love for happy rap music).
  • What it’s been like to start a podcast when he had no previous experience interviewing people or having a show of his own.
  • How he managed to get a foothold into a studio environment and what happened when he was asked to perform some of his rap music on the spot.
  • His resourceful method for teaching himself how to write songs and the 30-day challenge that helped him develop the skill (it was also fun to hear him talk about what subjects he wrote about at first).
  • How moving forward sometimes involves letting go of certain ideas in favour of something that resonates with us on a deeper level, and that it’s perfectly okay to change direction.

Connect with Louis:

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Social Media:  Facebook | Instagram | Linkedin | YouTube

The Go Produce Podcast:

Listen to this episode:

Watch this episode:

This episode of “Journeys with the No Schedule Man” is presented by:

You can find all archived episodes on the podcast page or at:

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Kevin Bulmer speaking on stage |

The founder of NSM Brand Media, Kevin Bulmer is a certified life & executive coach and keynote speaker who specializes in mindset and strategic marketing for small-to-midsize business.

Kevin is the host of “Journeys with the No Schedule Man,” a podcast on heart-centered entrepreneurship. He has written and published two books: “Script Change: A Look at Unlearning & Rewriting Life” and “Stop! Your Marketing Message Sucks.

Kevin also leads a global online personal growth support community, The Turtle Crew, and an online membership-based coaching service, My REAL Success Pass.

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